Published and Future Writings

Small Wars Journal

Original Publication Date: 27 April 2022

Summary: Examines the necessity of understanding external events in relation to the susceptibility of target audiences using the 2016 Presidential election as a case study.

Small Wars Journal

Original Publication Date: 27 August 2021

Summary: Argues that current US Army Psychological Operations doctrine is faulty, because it assumes rationality as a given for decision making. Provides the biological, evolutionary, and epistemological reasons that storytelling is far more persuasive than logic in altering behavior.

Military Strategy Magazine

Original Publication Date: 28 June 2021

Summary: An examination of the legacy understanding of asymmetrical warfare, its consequences and manifestations, and how to better think of asymmetrical warfare in the Great Power Competition. Inspired by the Joker quote from The Dark Knight: “I took your little plan and I turned it on itself. Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets. Hmmm?”

Small Wars Journal

Original Publication Date: 04 March 2021.

Summary: This essay argues that Agorism should be considered as an Unconventional Warfare strategy as it is more able to operate within a complex and open system. It provides a brief history of the movement, strategies of Agorism, and potential drawbacks.

Over the Horizon

Original Publication Date: 21 January 2021

Summary: This essay advocated the utilization of blockchain technology to expedite the approval process for inform and influence activities.

Over the Horizon

Original Publication Date: 22 December 2020

Summary: This article recommends eschewing non-tangible entities in favor of institutions and other physical manifestations of an ideology when it comes to Center of Gravity (COG) analysis. It concludes with a case study of “Putinism” as an inadequate means for COG analysis and targeting.

Older Writings

""USAJFKSWCS Needs New Nerds: Dungeons and Dragons, SCI-FI/Fantasy Writers, and an Unconventional Way to Consider Irregular Warfare Training.” Small Wars Journal. 29 January 2020. Summary: This essay recommends a re-write of the Pineland Scenario by incorporating world building principles from science-fiction/fantasy writers and Role Playing Games mechanics to provide a more substantive and testable backdrop for influence and inform activities

"The Constrained and Unconstrained Visions and Resistance Groups,”  Small Wars Journal. 15 November 2019. Summary: Overview of the Feasibility Assessment in DoD Unconventional Warfare Doctrine and argues that planners should support groups with the constrained vision, a concept developed by economist Thomas Sowell.

Podcasts and Interviews

Archipelago of Design-Member of the Week. 25 August 2021.

Red to Black Podcast-“The Future of Technology and Money [Interview with Daniel Riggs].” 15 August 2021.

Collaborative Writing Projects

Handbook of Military Sciences, “Evolution of Military Design” with COL Jason Trew and Dr. Ben Zweibelson. 06 February 2024.

Handbook of Military Sciences, “Roots of Military Design” with COL Jason Trew and Dr. Ben Zweibelson, 31 January 2024.

Awaiting Publication (with editor)


In-Progress Work and Unpublished

“Pragmatism of Reflective Security Design: An Argument again Modernation.” (With Aether Journal Editors)

Summary: Argues for the necessity of radical thinking to contribute to innovation.

“Quantum Mechanics and Influence.”

Summary: Look at how quantum thinking and innovations may improve influence operations over the next century. 


“Beyond the Superficial: Application of a Priori Thought in Strategic Thinking.”

Summary: Argues that strategic thinking should move beyond the technical rationalist model in planning.